Construction Management Billing


The Construction Management Billing option is used to invoice sales slip items previously entered in the Contruction Management Contracts option.

This invoicing method allows to bill the customer according to the construction work progress, mark up cost prices of profit percentages as determined on the contract, and, if needed, add administration fees. The invoice is produced for a given period and all transactions to bill are listed and grouped by activity.





ClosedConstruction Management Billing option icons:



Used to

Generate a new invoice number

Assign an invoice number before transferring the transaction in order to print an invoice following the numeric sequence of the counter.


Used to print an invoice or a payment request.

Recalculate Table (F9)

Recalculate data and refresh the grid in the Billing Schedule tab.

Modify Total Display

Display the holdback amount and the net amount at the bottom of the grid.

Only icons specific to this window are defined in the table above. 



  maestro* > Invoicing > Contractual Billing > Construction Management > Contractual Management Billing


Creating a Contract Management Bill

  1. Enter and/or view the information displayed in the header:




Contract number.

NOTE: Only construction management contracts can be selected in this field.


Customer associated with the contract.

NOTE: Changes must be made using the Contruction Management Contracts option.

Address No.

Customer's invoicing address from Define Customer Addresses.

NOTE: Only addresses identified as invoicing addresses are included in the list. The Invoicing Address box must be checked.


Customer's phone number.


Customer's fax number.


Greyed-in field since the constuction management contract progress is systematically set to rate.


Indicates whether the customer is managed in intercompany mode or not.

Original Value


Original value of the contract saved in the Construction Management Contracts option.

Invoiced to date

Contract value recorded up until now, without taking into account the current invoice.

Holdback to invoice

Holdback values to bill on the contract.

  1. Enter the required information in the ClosedDetail tab:
  1. ClosedHoldback section:




Holdback rate applied to the invoice.


Holdback percentage and amount applied to te invoice.


ClosedAvailable values:


General ledger account used to record the holdback.

Tax section:




Tax codes applicable to the contract.

NOTE: To know the origin of the applicable tax code and rate, consult the How To - Reading of Tax Codes in maestro*.

Immediate Payment Section:



Immediate Payment

Allows to immediately create a receipt upon the transfer of the invoice if the selected value is Yes.

NOTE: If the Generate the receipt automatically checkbox is activated, in the configurations (Projects > Intercompany > Sales), the fields value will be set to Yes.

Cheque No.

Cheque number to assign to the receipt that will be created upon the transfer of the invoice if the selected value in the Immediate Payment field is Yes.

Bank Account

Bank account number in which the immediate receipt will be recorded if the selected value in the Immediate Payment field is Yes.


Receipt amount to be recorded immediately if the selected value in the Immediate Payment field is Yes.

  1. The Addition Fields tab allows to personalize the Contruction Management Billing by adding fields. To do so, click on the Configuration icon.
  2. Enter the required information in the ClosedBilling Schedule tab:
  1. Click on Save.

If a delivery preparation form has been configured in the Configuration option, maestro* proposes printing this form by default.


See Also


Last modification: February 27, 2025